DTA Misconceptions That Expats Must Know About

5 Common Misconceptions That Expats Must Know About

What is a Double Taxation Agreement (“DTA”)? A DTA is a legal and binding bi-lateral treaty between two countries that specifies which country’s tax authority holds the right to tax you on your earnings. In other words, where you are tax resident in one country and earning income in another, a DTA will determine taxing […]

DTA Between SA and UAE | Tax Showdown: United Arab Emirates vs. South Africa – Expats, have you thought about this battle?

Foreign Tax Credits – Welcome Surprise or Snare for Wealthy South African Taxpayers?

DTA between SA and UK – If Home Is Where the Heart Is, Where Is Your Tax Residency?

Residency Recommencement Considerations – What South Africans Returning Home Need to Know

Double Taxation Agreement

Meddling in Others’ Affairs: The Department of Home Affairs’ “Tax Policy” Amendment

The Department of Home Affairs’ (the DHA) recent amendments to Immigration Regulations are likely to spark controversy among South African taxpayers, especially expatriates working abroad, who are still diligently fulfilling their South African tax obligations.

Double Taxation Agreement

Tax Planning for Repatriation: A Non-Resident’s Toolkit to Returning Home

With the euphoria of living abroad wearing off for many South Africans, a growing number of expatriates are drawn back by the allure of a vibrant cultural scene, inviting temperate climate, and favorable exchange rates.

Double Taxation Agreement

Expats, You’re Using a DTA Across the Border; What About Your Precious Funds

As of 24 April 2023, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) changed the rules by which taxpayers have to play when it comes to applying for funds to be transferred internationally. If you have not heard by now, SARS’ introduction of a new dynamic application called Approval International Transfer (AIT) is enhanced and involves a strict […]

Double Taxation Agreement

DTA FAQs: Answering All Your Questions

Double taxation agreements (DTAs) are a familiar phrase to South African expats working and living abroad. However, for those who remain unsure, a DTA is an internationally recognised contract entered into between South Africa (SA) and another country, which regulates who holds taxing rights. As the name suggests, DTAs are aimed at the avoidance of […]

Double Taxation Agreement

SARS Still Has Its Eye on SA Expats

South African expatriates who work and live abroad are cautioned to ensure their tax affairs are up to date, to avoid falling foul of SARS’ drive for full tax compliance. This is especially the case now that SARS has drastically turned its wheel to ensure the collection of all taxes due and payable.